The ENABLE European project started on the November 1st 2011 and has a duration of three years. An ENABLE network of 16 Partners and among them 3 third country partners will develop the EU wide platform to gather information and investigate how ICT is currently used to support lifelong learning by disabled adults and how it could best be used to overcome barriers and increase opportunities. The collaboration with overseas countries Australia and Korea will provide worldwide perspective. ENABLE project is operating with the support of the Lifelong Learning programme of the European Union.
Disabled people experience significant barriers to social participation and accessing education and employment. Many of them already use ICT to overcome the barriers they would otherwise face. However, ICT can be both an enabler which increases access and participation (opportunities) and a source of additional barriers, depending on how its design and implementation. An ENABLE network of 13 Partners from European Union and three third country partners will use electronic networking tools to gather information and investigate the ICT support lifelong learning by disabled adults. Three stages will correspond to three main implementation work packages: data gathering; data organisation, evaluation and categorisation; and data application.
Specific outcomes relate to the organisation, categorisation and evaluation of knowledge and will include:
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein